Grace Tea Room
Sumptuous Tudor Banquets
Our banquets are a veritable feast of delicious and slightly unusual dishes which can be enjoyed in the 21st century.
Expect to be presented with 6 main courses, 3 vegetable dishes and countless desserts
All made to authentic recipes dating from around the C16th. Served as a buffet.

For a special party to remember or a unique fundraiser why not step back in time? We recommend hiring a unique Tudor house in central Chester which makes the perfect venue for our banquets. For more information, click on the link above.
Sample menu
Gammon with apricots in pastry
Venison casserole
Roast beef in red wine
Soused bacon
Black pudding
Chicken and gooseberry pie
Rabbit and bacon raised pie
Pease pudding with ginger (v)
Sweet potatoes with oranges (v)
Parsnip & beetroot salad (v)
Grand salad (v)
Simple salad (v)
White pots
Egg custard with raisins
Nun's Biskets
Double tart
Pears in spiced wine

Our favourite venue

Please note, this is a meat eaters paradise with limted choice for vegetarians.
Every dish is cooked gluten free apart from the pastry which can be made gluten free on request.